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Sponsors, today's daily update and other issues


due to sponsors changing their contract circumstances and money offered way too quickly, players who got the weaker sponsor the first day can now cancel their contracts so they wouldn't be punished from unpredicted decisions from sponsors. This will be enabled until sponsors have stabilized enough. Sponsors are designed in a fashion that they have a hidden desire for a certain share of the market. If they see they are missing the share, they will start dropping their requirements and increasing what they offer and vice versa. This should stabilize soon as sponsors are spread around users more equally.

There's also been issues with some games repeating - because of that some teams have gained more team ranked ELO than expected (this should balance out on itself soon enough though), but there's also teams in leagues that have too many wins / losses. This will be fixed during today's daily update.

Today's daily update will start at 20:00UTC as usual and it will be under maintenance mode this time as well to also release the league games fixes and other updates.

Meanwhile our current goal is to keep looking at the economy, balance and issues that are taking place and fixing them. Once we see that the game is performing smoothly and the issues are resolved we will start looking at developing new features.

Thank you for your patience and good luck!
Also I receive the same notification twice
Thanks a lot (:
I replaced a sponsor how deliverd me 3k $ with 13k$ sponsor, but the problem is that i still getting only 3k$ T^T