Can't upgrade gaming house

I currently have level 1 and $20k in my balance but it won't let me upgrade my gaming house for $18k.
I have the same problem. But when I try to buy the first upgrade again it tells me that I need to have a ballence of at least 36k. That is why I think that just the visuals are bugged, as it seems that I tryed to buy my second upgrade. It just does not show I bought it and spend money on it.
Nevermind. Thanks to TsMety for explaining :)
This is an old and probably outdated "feature", since beta was crazy and weird.
they added that, so people cannot go into negative that easy.
as a quick overview:
for facilites you need 2x the price as actual balance.
for coaches you need 10x the offer as actual balance

sponsor upgrade and market bids are free of this stuff.