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  • We'd like to thank everyone who has contributed to the community

We'd like to thank everyone who has contributed to the community

Being as communicative and as transparent with the community as much as possible has been our unwritten policy since the first line of Lolmanager's code. We are truly thankful for everyone who have shown their enthusiasm and activism by helping us grow the community. Our today's special thanks goes for the mighty managers positivity4oce, Ed, UEG Jhin Tonic, Elite, Sec1ton & littleguypwn for their contribution. We are sure there are more of you, make sure to let us know if we missed someone noteworthy.

Make sure to check out the wikia page started by Ed http://lolmanager.wikia.com/wiki/Lolmanager_Wikia
and the Lolmanager Enthusiasts Facebook group started by positivity4oce https://www.facebook.com/groups/767486136726927/

I also made a facebook post with an image to honour their mightiness https://www.facebook.com/lolmanagergame/posts/833982980065291:0 , make sure to show them some social media love.

Thank you once again for your contribution,
Your Lolmanager team
My pleasure.
Love you all.
Thx for all the hard work!
Thanks Oww, I noticed positivity4oce did some updates on the wiki page and was going to link it to the forums myself, I will make a thread and hopefully everyone is free to populate it with information and updates where possible.

Thanks for the mention as well, it's nice to be noticed :)

Don't forget Sec1ton as well, he runs the LolManager Reddit and the Discord server. ALAGESIA as well who is running the supporters tournament.
Great effort being put in and good communication with the player base!

Looking forward to seeing and hearing more as the weeks and months roll on!