Questions & Answers with devs

Questions & Answers with devs

It is time, we are going to have a questions & answers session. You can ask questions from Geio (Designer), Henri (Main code & Lolmanager idea), Olari (Marketing & Strategy) and Allan (Servers & Code). Person targeted and whole team targeted questions are both welcome. We will pick the interesting ones and might even add our own ones to the roster.

The questions will be answered in interview format - camera, tripod etc. and will get uploaded somewhere for all of you to see.
Questions coming after the beginning of “filming” most-likely get answered afterwards in text-format.

The montage and answering might take some time, so no ETA as of now. Who we are, what we do, future plans, our origins - just some question ideas for you.
Let’s gather them all under this thread, shoot!
hey henri , hey guys. You might or might not know me , but ive been here since beta. The game wasnt always balanced , but i enjoyed it anyway and i found a challenge in adapting to the changes.

From that standpoint , i do believe the game is a pretty good success.
Regardless , the question i have is not game related. My question is the most important question in the history of mankind.So......boobs or ass ?

oh...and is it possible to get 2 different strategies any time soon ? for both blue and purple side ? I think this is the strategic option we need most right now , especially since we are going to start tournaments.

For example , during beta i could have beaten mops at some time by banning all the adcs (since he was also banning adcs in his general strat) and first pick the last 1....but that would massively backfire when i was on the purple side , since he also used to first pick adc.

You might see how that might make me reconsider said strategy seeing that its very risky....I would love having the option to use different strats for purple and blue side

PS - sorry for the long post
Is the possibility of advancement will be 3 teams in the league and not 1 ?
Is the possibility of advancement will be 3 teams in the league and not 1 ?
there is any way to keep notice when couch negotions over? like a timer?
if you guys complete the champions list would be cool too
When will the other strategy options (wards, dragon, baron, teamfighting type) be added?
I am not a beta player but I have been here since the reddit post announcing it's launch. I like this game a lot, gave my money to prove it, I think this is a fantastic project and my questions will most likely be in relation to the project and it's management?

1) Where do you guys see this game in a year?
2) What gave you the inspiration for this project?
3) Do you guys ever worry about Riot forcing the project down?
4) When do you think this project will be able to reach it's bottom line?

5) Frankly the most important question though ; tits or ass.
Hi, can i ,,use,, coaches? Or when i bought them they're giving me boosts? :)
Are there any thoughts on balancing the roles? Right now it seems pretty clear that some roles are straight up more important than others, for instance jungle gold is so low and thanks so ineffective they hardly make an impact.
Hi, Brazilian player here o/
-Do you guys have plans do add the remaining champs? will they be added in the riot's release order, or by any other ordering pattern, like lack of determined roles?

-Is there a plan to implement a system where we can create strategys for teamfights? something like peel, focus adc, focus mid, focus frontline...

-Will the build system allow us to differenciate builds for each champ? as an example, when you use amumu as a jungler, you build tank/magic, but if your player picks yi, the same build wouldnt work, this contributes even more to the lack of options for some roles.

sorry for my bad english, and thanks for your time ^^.
What happens if two sides are drawn for first in the league? And if it goes on head to head but they beat each other over the two games, what happens then?
my questions are, have you contacted riot ever for using the real names for the champions? second question is will you ever bring the "PBE" version back for major balance changing tests
my main Q is when we will get more heros, there are 2-3 good picks in each role and thats all... we need to have more thinking to it
As the game grows and there will be more and more players, will you consider separating the teams into regions and, if yes, would you add some separate league/s for the best teams in every region?
New player here o/.

I would like to ask about Analysts. Do you think that will you try to add them as a part of the staff?
At this moment, I "work" as Analyst on a team and I think that could be a nice idea to add this position.

Something that could increase is about item value, gold value, some lvl1 strategies...

Is there a thing like player synergy?
In the chat weve been discussing this alot because it seems that sometimes when you put in a new player in your lineup eventhough he has way better stats he performs way worse than your old player.
Is there a thing like player synergy?
In the chat weve been discussing this alot because it seems that sometimes when you put in a new player in your lineup eventhough he has way better stats he performs way worse than your old player.
What do you think of having a second team? if my gaming house can hold 10 players, can I have a second team, playing in a different league?