
Is there a way to maybe implement an auto-bid feature for everyone? So say I have 500k and want to bid on a player, I set it so the highest I will go to from the bid I make is 350k. Then it will automatically bid for me up until 350k. Just helps people that aren't able to sit down and consistently bid on a player.
please no free-bots implementations in game.

tho 15mins for extension after price increase is way too much IMHO.
i disagree, the richest player will always win the bid and it's an auction house you must deserve the victory.
Yes but thats the case for most auctions, the player with the most money wins. This just allows more players to have a go at winning an auction. Rather than those players who can sit at their computer and bid, other users can also have a chance off getting the players they want.
-1 indeed. Although i hate bidding because you have to wait 5h to get one players with the 15min thing, at least you have to fight for your players. You can win against rich teams with patience and obstination, here you would lose 100% of the time, whatever you do.
I don't think it would change who wins the auction nearly as much as you guys think. It would mainly just save everyone a lot of time.
I won an auction to get a mid player some day before. I was facing someone with 900k available, while i only had 400k. It last at least 2hours, with bid everytime on the last 3minutes. I finally won the auction, because he lost patience or went away.

With that bot-bid, i would have lost.
Maybe he didn't want to bid anymore, other way he could just instabid after you to win time.
Maybe we could make it that it doesn't let you auto bid more than 50% of your max money, so people with lots of money wouldn't just get most
cant be online 24/7 just to make bids. Also IRL teams/ppl with more money win "auctions". if you dont have much money, dont expect to win auctions for star players. Just go and buy mediocre player or come back later with more money :P
Its still a game.
and like any other game, the more you play the bigger advantage you have ..
if you have alot of money, that means you have bin around for a long time.
how fast you get there is up to you. if you have the money you can still just bid 1M in the first bid.

The more time you put into a game, the further you get.

a new player can still get good players if they have the patience and put in the effort it takes.
I am against it for the same reason I was against the star player in scouting.

It favor too much rich players compared to others. We already have the richest players full of star players, people creating team and selling their star players support on the market 1 day after, I doubt we need an afk bid now.