Champion's build path

I was wondering and I focused on top (but it's the same for everylane).
Jax (Lantern) build is basically AD bruiser but you build some extra AP sometimes
Sion (Axe) is little bit AD and full tank.
And I wonder if build path shouldnt be champs by champs instead of 1 build path by roles.

If we go further we could like create item's build to be more specific.
Yeah, what you bring up greatly effects how I work with my champ select. It would be nice to be able to have Axeman and Mana as a one, two pick, but I have no choice but to go with Mana, Mushroom and Holy Soldier with my build due to what you mention.
Yeah this sounds like a good Idea, to make it so instead of the "build" tab on the strategy you could go to champions and select in there the build for each champion you want.

Something like this maybe?:

Name Adc Top Mid Jun Sup Mobility Burst Physical Magical Cc Scaling Aoe Utility Escape - (SET BUILD)