Nerf Grandmaster

I have a request for the devs, can you please nerf grandmaster or up the others toplaners ? That char is actually disgusting he just s**t on the others toplaners and there is nothing that we can do against it for exemple on the midlane card master is strong but there are other strong picks like evil master or blade dancer the only thing that we can do is to ban him..

Just to show how op he is this is actually the 1st soloq player with almost 3k elo he has probably good stats but he only plays grandmaster and win...
The champions will be rebalanced u can check that under Features.
It wont be too soon tho, because there are other things that are more important.
Right now u have to live with that and adapt ur pick and ban.
Imo u dont automaticly loose when u give up grandmaster as long you get d cane or pirate king + a stronger midlaner, but i also would never risk giving grandmaster up.
So when you are purple side always ban him.

Btw that soloq example is an anomalie, its ridicilous how he 1. always gets top and 2. always gets grandmaster.
Absolutly random and pure luck...
Twisted Fate is actually much stronger then the second best mid laner. Jax is only slightly better then the second best mid laner. Jax really is not a huge problem compared to TF.