More CS/min

I just say this because when I see that all the 2k elo players have around 60cs/20min.
It's pretty weird you know =)
Sounds like that no one care, i just want to make the game more realistic :/
It's based on your technical player skill and once it raises high enough it should be more realistic. Despite being high ELO right now they are still considered somewhat beginners as the players haven't got to their potential yet.

When LoL itself started the 2k+ ELO players weren't as good at last hitting as gold players are nowadays for example.
Even in S1 with a Gold/Plat elo I wasn't having 60cs/35min as a toplaner or an ADC.
But that you're saying is quite true
Pretty sure even silvers, back in 1st season, weren't at 60cs/35min.
Yeah... Even I in S1 could get more than 60 cs at 10