Private Training

How do i set up private training for my players with the coaches
Does that mean for example, i have 5 players all set to 4 soloq games and 5 team ranked, now that should leave one slot available for training, i have 3 coaches which should give me 9 training slots. i just do not see an option where i can allocate coaching to a player or does it happen automatically if you leave open sessions.
So, you have 10 sessions per player on what they can do.

This can be sorted between team ranked games, solo queue games, and training sessions.

You can have a max of 5 team ranked games a day. You can set that under players at the top of the screen. So if you set that to 5, your players all now have 5 things they can do between solo queue and training.

You can do a max of 5 solo queue. That number goes down based on training sessions as well though. So say you set your ADC to do 3 training sessions, he can now do 2 solo queue. If you already have a player set to 5 solo queue games though, and 5 ranked sessions, you will need to click on that player, lower his solo queue games to two before allowing him to do 3 training sessions-- for example =D
Ok thanks that really clarified it, so just to last time check, available sessions = training sessions. I do not need to actually assign any player to a coach or vice versa, just they will automatically train when they have available sessions
Click on players, then click on one of your players to open up his information.

You will see, half way down his info, an area that says:

Every coach has a limit of 3 sessions per day. One coach can train several players but then sessions are shared between players.

From there, you will see where you can assign his training sessions. Put in a number: 1-3. Do so, click update at the bottom and it should be set. The rest is automatic ^_^
Just to clarify, if you don't have any coaches you won't have any options for private training right?
Exactly, only soloQ and team ranked.
At the top you can set how many team ranked your team can play. I usually set it top 3 so that leaves my players to play 4 solo que games and have 3 coaching sessions per game.(I have a coach for each role)
My players dont play soloq, they all train 6 sessions with coaches and 4 team ranked
@slaxxarn That doesn't like a half bad idea, you'd get your player ELO to sit much more consistently. I guess you've already got the star player ELO you need for the decent sponsors then?
You need to hier coach/trainer. Then you go to "Players" you click specific player, you can see this http://i.imgur.com/a4xuf1n.png . Each action such as playing one team ranked, playing a solo queue game or having a session with a trainer takes 1 unit. The positional skills (ad carry, top, mid, support and jungle speak for themselves. How good will they be at specific roles.
Teamwork right now is used for teamfights however this is bound to change and be more overall type of skill.
Technical skill affects last hitting only right now.