Extra notifications


I'd like you to list all your ideas on what kind of notifications you would like to receive. This was the feature that gathered most points - can be seen here http://i.imgur.com/cpetihW.png

You can still order and give feedback on the features under this topic

Current ideas:

Notify when:
1. Staff member contract expiring
2. Available sponsor slots
3. Available roster slots
4. When someone sandboxes you ?
5. When subscription ends
6. When player is about to retire
7. When a daily team report is ready

As a side note,
I will probably make a formal update about this, but I have talked about this earlier on what to do after the players retire at the age of 25.

Should you be able to convert those players to coaches and would it cost something to convert a player to a coach?

Good luck!
Would like to see some sort of checkbox in the settings, so I can decide myself which notifications I want to get.

-Some function for the market like "notification when a player with x stats is available on the market"
-maybe for scout as well (?)

-player has reached critical energy lvl (coustimize lvl?)
-player has reached x games on y
-available training sessions (cause a player got sold or whatever)
-player in academy has reached x skill / y age
-you have a match in x time and no strat/default strat. / no complete team(cause player got sold or whatever)

player into coach sounds cool, but not really helpful. There are so many coaches on the market, who are probably better than our playercoach.
I have no idea though.
Can I please opt out of 4? Blank is scrimming like sixty times a day he's runnin' my boys ragged they need to BREATHE henri
To sandbox games it should be that it only notifies you once of a new opponent. So if one guy does 60 sandboxes against you in a day it still counts as a single notification.
Staff is a 100% must have, retirement is important aswell and sandbox is madness, sometimes i scrim 200+ games a day thats going to fuck a lot of shit up.

I think daily team report is kinda unnecesary and we already have sponsor notifications. Roster could be nice although maybe its better to just have a counter at the players tab?
Agreed with weedfish. Staff contracts need a notification as that's quite frustrating when you check and half your coaches half up and left.