Update about the autumn tournament!


the registration is now closed. There are 312 participants for this tournament.

The first round that is scheduled for today will be skipped due to the amount of participants. The teams will start playing from Round 2.

The tournament final and third place match is scheduled to be on the 1st of December and the tournament in total will last 11 rounds.

Games will be scheduled each day at 12pm our time.
Each round will be best of 5 with the team with more wins advancing. All the games will be played at the same time. I thought about spreading them throughout the day but this would give too much of an advantage to anyone who has the capability of being online just before 5 different times each day so decided to play them all at the same time.

Info about tournament:

Discussions about the tournament:

Tournament prizes (1st place gets to choose first, 2nd place second from the prize pool and soon):

Prize #1 - Gaming Keyboard
Razer BlackWidow Chroma Clicky Mechanical Gaming Keyboard

Prize #2 - Gaming Headset
SteelSeries Siberia v2 Full-Size Gaming Headset - (Black)

Prize #3 - Gaming Mouse
SteelSeries Rival Optical Gaming Mouse


I will proceed to be working now on custom tourneys and weekly tourneys.
I want to soon launch the custom ones for testing purposes. I'll let you know in the chat about it and will create a few smaller tournaments for anyone active to join and test them.

Good luck!
Good luck everybody! And thanks Henri. Have a nice day! See you soon.
Quick question, do these tournament games drain energy or do they count like sandbox games?
Tournament games are essentially the same as sandbox games - no champion experience or energy drain.
Will there be any kind of reward for every participant? Like an achievemnt: "Participated in Autumn Tournament" or "Made it to round x in Autumn Tournament". Or even something else idk. A small cach bonus depending on how far you made it. Could range from 1k tot 50k or so

So all games of a bo5 will be played with the same strats?