Today after the update i will launch to the market a 42.7 support with 16 age! YES 16 AGE made in academy long time!
Can't 42.7 at 16yo, can u ? wait..
"It is true, the sale, the force, all of it."

Here is the proof !
42.82 stats with 16.84 in game.

- You trained him for 3.84 years since 13yo in game so 96 days of training in real time.
- Your player trained exactly 39.82 stats in support so when we divide it by the number of days we got : 0.4148 stats in support per day. Which correspond to a training of 100k/day.
- 96 days x 100k/day = 9.6 millions.
You bought it at 13yo so it costed 1 million.
In total your player costed 10.6 millions to train.

Now we have these player with more than 24 millions in bank waiting for something we don't know about.. dunno.. an EXCEPTIONAL PLAYER SALE !!

Whatever they are waiting for they are your customers. Be sure they are aware and send them a message, because if you don't sell this player more than 10.6 millions it won't be worth it and you will loose the opportunity to gain a bigger cash amount !!

Good luck !
-- Indeed the best player sale for now --
THANKS for the calculations it is already in 9M so lets wait ;)