My thoughts on the game so far

Before anything, English is not my mother language, so if there's something that is not very clear, I will try to explain it.

Ok, so... I have started playing mobamanager yesterday, so far I like the game, but i'm having a lot of issues with it.

The thing is, I'm an experienced player in this type of game, had played Hattrick for about 10 years (I stopped playing 2 years ago, but still), had players in both youth and national teams, and at the very least I can say I take games like this kind of seriously.

The reason I mention Hattrick, is because as far as I understood this game, you are something like the manager of the team. The problem comes that, a lot of things seems to be there, but there's no reason for it.

For example:
Situation: if you go to strategy -> champions: you get a nice list of the champion attributes, this is nice thing, you can see which champion had different attribute, you can see who is good splitpushing, teamfighting and how he deals damage.

Problem: there's a number of reasons why this data is totally useless, and more than anything, confusing.

#1: Limited strategies. For example: lets say that you want to play splitpush, go for a 1-3-1 (I will try not to speak as lol strategies, but whatever, there's this nice splitpush stat on the champion page, so I can use it), at least as far as I have seen, its impossible to actually set something like that.
The only options that you can set is when the team will group (which is at most at 40mins) and then all kinds of TF strategies.

#2: You cant plan ahead to beat your opponent.
This is very important at the deepest level of Hattrick, as you change your strategies depending on your opponent, does your opponent usually go with a 4-3-3 or 5-3-2, ok, maybe 3-5-2 might be the best option.
Not only here doesn't seem to be some sort of level of the team at executing certain strategies (or at least seems very hard to check), more important, you also don't seem to know who might be your next opponent, for example: this is how I see my next games:
Team Ranked Unknown Unknown 11 hours from now

#3: There's a big flaw on the fact that you can choose what to build before the game start.
What!?!? Ok, this is a big big problem, the thing is, lets say that in my perfect splitpush strategy, I use grand master, which has the best splitpush stat, is a Top laner, and have mixed damage with more PHD than MD. So I chose my build to have IDK: 60% PHD,30% MD and 10% Vision, now on the champ select, Grandmaster got rekt, and I got my second option, the Barbarian king, now the problem is BK dont have Magic Damage, and so my build for the champion is now wrong (or at least suboptimal).

#4: You dont really know how strategies affect the game.

Its really important to note that Hattrick has (or at least had, as far as I remember) a special system of how the match was created, it was something along the lines of there's 10 events (5 in each time) which happens at some point of the match, and some special events (depending on players abilities), those event belonged to players depending on their ball posession, so lets say I had one time with a 80-20 BP, then, in that time I got 4 events for me, and 1 for the opponent.
Here you dont really know how strategies affect the game, Yes, I said before the formation example, but there's also a problem of the fact that you dont know why things happen on the match.
Why did my team win a TF? or, why it happened at X time?, was it only because their stats were better?
Is protect my carries a better option than diving the enemy carries? and if so, why?

#5: You dont really know how stats affect the game.
Ok, lets go back to the problem, there's a lot of reasons so far as to why this data is totally confusing, this is the last I can tell in just a rush.

Lots of the stats dont really have a context.
I will group them for now.
Position stats: Adc, Mid, Sup, Top, Jg.
Attributes Stats: PHD, MD.
??? Stats: Burst, Mobility, CC, Scaling, AoE, Mobility, Utility, Escape.
Strategies Stats: Laning, Range, Splitpush, Poke, TF.

Position Stats: Obvious, how good is a champ at a lane, this stats makes sense, there's a lot of reasons on game theory why this is a good thing for mobas overall, and it also works well for this game.

Attributes Stats: said before why there's a big problem with that, but i'm more concerned on the fact that you can select the build, and not for the stat, I think the stat is good.

Strategies Stats: again, I already talked about a lot of problems on this, I dont think this stat is bad either, but there's a problem on another place that makes this so useless.

??? Stats: And... here's the biggest problem of them all, What are these stats for, what is Escape for? there's no description for the stats, and there's no way to know how they interact with the game, I will assume for example: that burst is good for the "dive the enemy carries" strat, but is there a way to stop that? does CC work as a counterpart? or is just a joker good for killing and defending, there seems to be a lot of things here that might be there, in the game, but there's no way for the player to know how they work, why should a player prioritize a burst mid, to a escape mid, none of the stats might affect the game as far as I know.

Thanks, and sorry for such a long post.
Thanks for writing that out, it's good feedback and it will help us in developing the game and getting a feel on how people perceive this game.