Academy Improvements

Hi everyone! This is my first post here, and i'm loving the game so far.

I just had a suggestion, that what could be improved about the academy section.

Allow us more options when trying to pay for training.

- This is my biggest pet peeve. I'd love to be able to spend more on training for my young moba-ers, but the options are limiting. More tertiary amounts (e.g. 5k, 7k, 50k, 70k) would allow a little more freedom with people who are trying to build their own players.
- With this, I also understand that there may be "income-gating" happening here, where we are required to have a certain amout of income before proceeding to the next tier of farming. If that is intended, then a healthier way to manage these might be by using facility upgrades,

Any feedback on these ideas would be appreciated (positive and negative). Thank you!