Meta Educational

Hello Guys,

So far I know that using a support with Mid heroes is what "everyone" does, but I always had a question.

You use a Support Player playing with Mid champions or you guys actually use a Mid Player in the Support position?

The same goes to the Jungler, d you guys play with a support player in the jungler position or a jungler player with the champions of support?

I would like to be clarified in this if possible to see which one works best.
Best response I can give.

The current meta is kill heavy lanes with lots of burst champions that die quickly (This doesn't suit utility), this is true for the laning phase which is 15 minutes. Utility doesn't work in lanes as they die to quick, however in a team fight it is very useful as it provides an AOE heal over time which is very good for your team, especially when pushing. By running an AP support you have extra kill pressure in bottom lane which has the highest gold income and the biggest chance to snowball your team ahead.

Now, I discovered that junglers farm at the same speed, regardless of champion pick or build. They also don't gank because the players spend very little time in lane, they don't get any opportunities. Any player running utillity will also heal themselves, which means junglers can farm and stay at full HP the whole time. It is essentially a free pass to run utillity because they are not punished in lane or by being less effective at ganking, while also making it to the team fight phase with a good aoe heal for the whole team.
Hey Ed,

That far i already figured out, and have those stats myself.

My question is just about which player in what position.

Because by now i have a support in the support position, but he is playing AP with kill stats etc, but in terms of masteries, he is mastering support champions which are not the ones he uses on team games.

Should i put a player with specialised in MID to play in the support position, so he knows how to play Mid champions better?

Same as Jungler, my jungler is playing full utility, but once again, he is mastering in solo queue with jungler champions, which are not the ones he plays in team games, because i make him play with Support champions. This gets a bit confusing to explain >.<
I see what you're trying to say and there isn't an easy answer. ATM I'm using standard roles but trying to train multirole. My jungles is using a high supp and high jungle stat coach. I don't know how much jungle skill affects jungling or how much support affects healing so like it's a shot in the dark. You also must consider potential meta shifts before you abandon certain roles IMO. For all we know jungle may be OP soon.
Also you can set custom mastery with champion priority, I would use it.
Yeah, thats what i figured as well, sooner or later meta changes and ill still need a jungler etc.

Well, its been working fine so far, just wanted to see if there was room to improve, but seems like im in the right path :D

Thanks guys