Elo's out of whack?

The elo's for players seem to be a bit off. For instance:

My scout found a player with the highest stats 9.6 support and 10.2 technical with an elo of 2018.
My own jungler has a jungle stat of 16.2 and the rest at 11 with an elo of 1843.

Now i understand that if i let my jungler play more soloq games his elo will rise but shouldnt there be some cap to a player with such low stats to rise in elo? If you look at the tooltip on technical it says 10 points in that should be bronze 5 so ~1300 elo i think.
This is just an example i have seen this alot the last few days.
SoloQ elo appears to be a little bit random sometimes.
The 2k elo guy can be decaying in skill for a while now, while he barely plays soloQ.
Or maybe he is some sort of a one trick pony, which keeps him at the elo.
Also jungler usually tend not have more struggle in soloQ.