
Hi, I need a little help with my training.
How should be my coaches? Now I have 2 like these:

Kenyatta Oconner 10 7 8 9 9 3 5 5 5 5 2 5 1 5
Raquel66 9 9 9 6 2 4 5 5 5 5 8 5 9 4

And I have space for other one, how should search the new one?
How should I distribute the training between my players? I read somethings but don't know which is the best way.

How many players are you training ? Whats your gaming house level ?
Gaming house lvl 4.

Im training all my players (7), thats wrong? Should train less?
Recommending 5-6 coaches, 1 for each role at least + coach for tech/laning/mech etc. (optional)
I do train my main roster only (12 training sessions, other players are only for streaming)
Try to push gaming house. As a result more coaches + more players for streaming

My advice: Look for role specific coaches like 10 stats in top and some good stats in tech/laning/mech etc., other role stats dont matter.
so you can train your top with one specific coach. Those specific coaches are mostly easier too find and cheaper.

For now look for coaches with 2 good role stats and train 2 players if you can only afford 3 coaches right now

for example: Kenyatta Oconner trains Adc and jungle (10 and 9 role stats)
Raquel66 trains top and mid (both 9 role stats)
Now look for decent sup stat coach (or a good jungle stats, depends on who is easier to get/available since Kenyatta could train sup instead of jungle , 9 stats in sup and jungle)

More advanced: In the utility jungle / ap supp meta, look for high jungle AND Supp stats / Supp AND AP stats.

hope i could help :)

EDIT: whats the wage on your coaches? just curious :D
I might want to add to sgoil answer - although slightly off topic:
make sure, you also have the facility things up, that increase stream revenues and have a pr manager (in case you don't have one), so you can earn more money.
Thx that is helpful.

P. D: 118 kenyatta and 255 raquel
And have this PR: Eauer 9 4 7 9 $1,200