Whats the best starting tactic?

With a reset coming (most likely) on wednesday I was wondering what you guys could give as an input concerning starting tactics.
Is it all about getting coaches early or buying players from the market?
How many sponsors should you get and when is the best moment to upgrade the slots?
IMO you should prioritize building up the insfrastructure, get some sponsors, which will give you some money to get rolling and in a few days you can try to bid for good players with that money, then just get some coaches to develop these players even further.

I did buy 3 slots, then some players, and after i did buy my 4th slot my income is now 18k and if u have that money to blow get staff
I agree with Lavinta, the best thing to do first is to get the sponsors you need. From there everything else comes easy with the money you rake in.

Maybe I just got lucky but I still haven't had to buy a new player at all :) IMO that sort of thing is something you should only look at once you've got money to blow and/or need to upgrade drastically, early on it's probably better to use the players you start with and coach them up.
I did differently. I got 2-3 solid players from the market to allow my team to be stronger. I went from losing to 1150 elo teams to beating 1300+ elo teams! sO it helped quite a bit!
Is it usefull to hire PR or only coaches? And is it better to hire a coach for 1 role or one that can coach all roles?
A coach can just use three units / give three lessons. How you use them, is on you.
So when you use a coach just to train just one player, you need only one higher stat.
If you want to rotate the coaching sessions, you need more higher stats.
@sneeuwuiltje PR coaches are really important because they keep your team's reputation and help it grow in order to find better sponsors.

I think also reputation will affect staff members and players in later versions.

and the player/team reputation might affect the selling of merchandise/amout of fans attending an event visited by the team..
thats also one of you Community Managers once said if I recall it right
Yeah and there will be option that will allow players to strem so maybe then more money
Can we make them create a youtube channel too?
Na in all seriousness, gotta love the future features of the game
Maybe in future ? ;)
Only played 3 days so far but I think i'm off to a decent start definitely seems like Sponsors Pr Coach/Players kind of that order seems to have me on relatively solid footing.