Scouting viable?

is Scouting a viable option, to invest money?

or is it just better to manually search the market for a good fitting player?
I'd say the market is a better option if you want to get good players fast, a lot more expensive than scouting tho, with scouting there is a chance to get a star or just a mediocre player but it could be cheaper in the long run.
I haven't done that much of scouting but from the players I've got so far they are actually quite decent (talking about a skill level of 14 with like 50W/35L in SoloQ) for like 1k which is in my opinion pretty good.
Might have been luck, but in my opinion it's viable for sure.
I personally prefer scout, player have a great potential (if u wait enough to get THE player) sicne good players in the market have a high value (27k$ for a bad player is insane)