
I have a question, maybe its obvious, im kinda new.
After a fight it seems my players even with low health tend to stay and then fight at a disavantage. is there a way to make them recall after winning a fight? i suppose you should lower the gold wich they recall with but then wont they recall much more during laning phase where he is full health and can stay?

sorry about my english too
thanks in advance
Your players shouldn't be actually fighting at a disadvantage. On average, the remaining members after a team fight will continue working towards their next priority, whether it be towers, baron, dragon, etc.. They will recall when they either get enough gold or sense danger, AKA, being low health and seeing 5 of the enemy team coming towards them. However, yes, you will more than likely not see your players recall after a team fight for just being low health.
what happens to me is i win a fight, 2 members live or wtver, and then they dont know what to do and start walking forward and backward, untill both teams are alive and then their team is 5 man full heatlh and my survivors are super low, and the ones that died are full health, so i get aced, and i lost a few games like that, solely because of that