
Ranked games loses

~5 days ago I was winning all the ranked games, but in 1 days it turns to 8 losses in a row. Nothing happens with my tactics etc, but now I lose ranked games in 75% of games with weaker enemies. What happen? My friend feels the same things.
We can still win a league game/sandbox, but looks like ranked has a bug or I don't understand something...
Same question!

I won 15 rating games in a row.
Then, ~ 20 losses in a row.
What changed in the game, if my winrate changed by 200%?

If my objective ELO is 2000, but the actual 1500, I will win in 90-95% games.
When I reach 2000 ELO, my winrate will be ~ 50%.
If I do not develop and my opponents train players, etc., my winrate will move to a smaller side: 30/70, 40/60 ... But not 0/100 !!!
Mastery champions is increased, endurance in the "green" zone.