healthy NET income?

what do you believe is a healthy net income for a team in IV division? just asking so i do not over/under spend in facilities/academy
Just look at the predictions.
for example:


income - predicted expenses = how much you can spend on facilities + academy.
income doesn't include ranked win money i think. so you may have a bit more to spend
i know :) my question was a little bit different, i cant spend it all on that, i also need to gain money and buy new players for III division, buy sponsor slots... and i was asking how much should i be ''saving'' each day do be able to do that.. 200k? 500k? 800k?
My PREDICTED EXPENSES are $198,145 and my income is INCOME $802,103
I am saving money now to unlock the 10th sponsor slot ( I need 10M) and after that I will focus on players
currently I invested 3M on scouts and I am getting some 20 stats players , I know they are not that amazing but they are ok for now
I wont touch the market for now because those players there are too expensive

My facilities are 9/9/9/6
ok i have almost the same facilities 10/9/10/7 i do not spend on scouts but i am spending 100k on academy for a 13yo to grow the thing is my income is 100k lower than yours and i spend 100K more :(

also are you sure about the 10th sponsor? assuming the first nine you own are the best available to you and that the last one is paying at least 45K it would take 222 IRL days to break even (not including the team ranked win bonus) thats a log time imo.

also sometimes the market is useful or maybe i just got lucky but i managed to buy this guy http://imgur.com/a/qVkZd for 2 150 000€ he wasn't trained perfectly but still hes pretty decent and very young

btw tnx a lot for your reply it really helped
My projected income is ~1,255,000 and my expenses are ~1,018,000. I highly recommend you focus on acquiring sponsors and high income streaming players. I built my income first and then spent the money on players. It took a little time but now I'm at the point where I can afford to have all 45+ stat players and rotate the oldest one out with a new player from my academy once they hit age 24-25. My goal was to have enough income to sustain at least level 9 on all facilities and be training two academy players at full investment, and still be putting money away every day.

I also only have 9 sponsors. Probably will get my 10th within the next few days but I've been at 9 sponsors for a while now. 9 has been enough to sustain everything I have as long as I have decent player streaming income as well.
you are right i should definitely try to get better streamers, the reason why i also bought some players was to get my ELO and Rep UP to get better paying sponsors.

just a question, you said your goal was to have all facilities at at least 9 and that you train 2 players at 100K. but have 1 018 000€ in expenses, is that because you have improved your facilities since then or just that the salary of yours 45+ players gets really high? or you have some very expensive coaches?