New champion names. Help us Vote!


We have now gone through the huge list of names you guys all suggested earlier today and made a poll out of it. Big thanks to everyone!

Please vote for your favourite names here: http://goo.gl/forms/UzWfU9YBLCAj0www1
Singed: Chemist or The Chemist

edit: nvm, got updated
'Mushrooms' listed twice for Teemo, otherwise a solid selection of choices.
Thanks guys, I resolved those problems.
I don't think we should use Riot's actual champion subtitles (like "The Barbarian King") as their names, that might get into some muddled waters in terms of intellectual property. I'm not sure, but better safe.
I'd like to ask, why not just leave the Champion names? (And optionally, give them these as titles) It'd be a lot less confusing to League players, which is what this game seems to aim for.
i think it should be fine, riot games aren't the only ones using "barbarian king" or "sad mummy" . These names are most likely used elsewhere as well without problem.
Riot games only owns the champion's Name, we could name a champion "Monica Leblanc" and it wouldn't be a problem. Same with titles, titles are not intellectual property.
By the way, "Wuju" is Riot's IP.
The current style of names we have now was hilarious, I'd like to keep that style if possible.
The names for Heimerdinger are painfully bad to me : P

I think something as generic as Alien Invader would be better than the current options XD
Is it possible to reopen the championnames list? it closed way to early. i work nightshifts but you guys gave it litterly 16 hours. I would like to make a list also if you guys would allow it ofcourse. i Know you guys have allot of feedback but allot of names can be allot better. Not saying i can do better but this is way to rushed. Give a few days. not 1 day. Don't know if the rest is feeling the same way. So all im asking give it some more time and re-open it. Else let them e-mail you and look into it with fellow developers. My opinion ofcourse. So please let me know if it is possible to still give other tester their opinion and view.

Kind regards,
Tbh when it comes to Cho'Gath, Chew'Gozz is too obvious and void is (at least imo) mostly related to Kassadin. Spikes to me :D
I don't think the champion names need to be far off from the league ones, as this is a league of legends team managing simulator, but if you guys stick with the style the names are now, I don't think you should try and mix with another style.
Example: Ashe = Arrow, then Cho'Gath should be Spikes
or if you choose to do something like
Ashe = Frost Archer, then I think Cho'Gath should be Chew'Gozz.

Anyways, I really like the game so far, and props to you guys for creating it. Really looking forward to seeing what's next. Also, does anyone know if teams and players are going to be reset when the game is fully released?
Remember boys, you better vote the name who's the most understandable for everyone, than the name which looks better !
Voted, are you looking to add more of the champions any time soon?
Voted, cool to see the suggestions
Thank you guys!
I now have 230 votes which is enough to make decisions. We will probably add the new champions with the upcoming reset on Wednesday, so you can still vote until then.
I suggest the developers use the voting results as more of a suggestion rather than the definitive names. The names we have now are very generic and unoriginal but at least they are clear as to what the actual champion they are supposed to represent. 'Doom Executioner' is a badass name but it isn't really the first thing that comes to mind if I'm tasked to describe Fiddlesticks.

Furthermore, the way champs are named now is very 'clean' and uniform. All of the names should fallow a similar pattern to keep this feel. Something like deciding wether all the names should start with a 'the' or none of the names should would be a part of it.

And I only say this because I really like this little project and I wish for the best! This is something for either the devs or the people who vote to think about ^^