
Hey guys! As one of the newer players on here, I find that I'm losing to teams with apparently worse players, so my strategy must be lacking - Do you use multiple strategies? Is there some point allocation that is just intrinsically of higher value? What are the big factors in strategies that set teams apart? Any help or guidance would be awesome!
Personally, i only use one strategy. I usually put a lot of points on utility because that stat is super broken xD I didnt update my strategy for a very long time and after i changed it (putting more points in utility) i started winning more games.
Way? I have my stat points evened out and didn't really look back at it. Does it only help in like, support? Or do you just like, max out utility on every role? lol
Utility is for healing, definitely helps in the teamfight that the game forces. Don't put it on your carries though, you need as much damage output as possible for them while giving them enough health/armor/mr to keep them from immediately dying in the teamfight/in lane. I only have support maxed in utility and a decent amount on my other non-carries.

Also, if you're choosing to go utility on laners, make sure the champions have stats that facilitate the utility, like Rock or Undead Juggernaut for Top.
Appreciate the insight for sure, thats actually a really good way to explain it. Thank you! I'll give it some tinkering :)
Strategy is the most important thing in high level, the elo isn't really impactful but make sure that your players gets a certain level in mastery champions for the champions you're using most of the time.

I agree with Aiden that utility may be the most broken stat in the game currently because there are weird draft comp arround utility champions and with a good players, it's hell to counter it.

Also I think it's important to choose between early or late game playstyle, just do not choose a mix between the two because I think ( maybe I am wrong but I don't think so) it will not work.
Yeah I would be confident in saying that the most op strat right now is just trying to scale into late game, because that way you can get the most out of your mix between utility in non-carries and high damage in carries.
Drafts with very high utility (if utility was balanced lol) were supposed to be that super op late game team comp, but because the stat is broken it gets super hard to counter it because it seems like the "scaling" comes online really early.
I feel like the only possible ways to counter it are by just playing a perfect early game, which is super hard to put to practice in a strategy, or by simply having the much better players.
Hey, so just want to say, no more than 3 utility people though. After 3 you will start losing games to minions because even through you are smashing the enemies at their nexus and have a 45-3 kill lead, the team fight never ends and they respawn, get back to the fight, and their minions push down your nexus while your team just kills them in fountain and the ai won’t back to stop it.
wow, this game really is like playing league, lol
For all the new players that've been showing up: read this thread for a general idea on strats.
Just note that it underrates utulity, it was probably written before its big buff