How to make players play soloq?

I put them already 2 play 5 games of soloq but never see them play or played any soloq game help? do i need 2 do something else?
You wait.

You might have notived, that there are no league games nor team rankeds. The same goes for soloq games.

The game is/was on hold for 1-2 days, so we can check out the new features past restart.

By this time you should already notice upcoming team rankeds in the "games" section. soloq games wont get listed, but will be played around the same time.
As said above, games are being held off for a day or so to give everybody an opportunity to set their strategies after the reset. They should be starting up some time later today (in around 10 hours or so, check your upcoming team ranked list and solo queue should begin around the same time).
so we just have to wait ?

//Edit: and the Sandbox mode is just for testing ?
By this time, your players should have played some soloq games.
The system missed some though. They will be played this night according to the development.

sandbox is just for testing, correct.
yes ok i can see
ah thanks and yes now they've played some games