Run out of money

I accidentaly hired 2 coaches by offering like 12,000 to each, I didn't think I would get them (preious experiences) but apparently I won this time, and now I don't have any money, and my predicted balance is literally -20000, what is going to happen? :c FeelsBadMan
Well you will pay them 24k each day so yeah, that's a bit expansive for two guys lol.
Hahahaha yeah, before the reset I would offer that and someone would always offer like 300,000 so I was like, I'll just offer this and see what happens, rip
Ah so it was you? I was wondering who would offer that much to a coach, Idk for the momment but I'm sure Henri will check it out as soon as he is awake, going to leave this post as unsolved for the matter!
Hahaha yeah it was me, I guess I should have taken in count that we just had a reset and there wouldn't be people with that much money :c I fucked up hard haha
Thanks for the response :)
don't worry, you're certainly not alone, someone else snagged a coach from me offering 25k, another one was taken with a bid of 2500, which is also a lot for what a single coach can do a day.
EDIT: previous post got posted twice.
I was wondering why people were offering so much. I just had mine taken away by someone who offered 15k which is way too much considering you have to pay them per day.
So what happens if his (or anyone's) money balance keeps going into the negatives? Can you go completely bankrupt and 'lose' the game?
well happened to me too.... im on -73,796.... I need a loan
Ye I am curious how this will turn around since there are quite a lot of players who have to be quite high in the red numbers.. this ruins the fair game experience quite a bit but I am sure Henri will come up with a solution or anything similiar
Goddamn at least I'm not alone I see XD, I would fire them or smtn but that would cost even more, LOL I guess I didn't think very well about finances huh?
We need a "Stop paying your players" option for added realism.
@Psyman: True! Like in real esports! This is an option we desperately need :P
If we get that option then we definetly need a variable that makess our players get banned for boosting Kappa
accidentally terminated the contract with the PR staff, and has lost his last 18,000, which is when my balance goes into negative?
@Dertheia Any news? Didn't get the walfare either, damn this is getting worst
Sorry guys, it was our mistake. Check your reports now, welfare has been added :)