Ranked Games Improper Picks

Just had a quick question regarding ranked games. After the reset, I created my new team and swapped around my players to play their theoretical best position. I also went through and allocated their strategies appropriately in addition to setting custom priority champions for each to coincide with their new roles.

However, in every ranked game since the reset, the players are playing in the proper position, but for whatever reason are opting to pick champions that are drastically unfit for the specific role.
My most recent example (https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/replay/380171)
Included my AD playing Blitzcrank, support playing Ashe, top playing Anivia, jungle playing Annie and mid apparently being the only logical one and playing Heimer.

I've had similar discrepancies across all of my ranked games so far, leading to a predictably awful start, and I don't remember having this same issue before the reset.

Would appreciate any response, and thanks in advance.
Players > Priority 1,2,3 > Check the box "costum prioritize order".

Strategy > pick order

Also, make sure that your champions have the correct roles assigned. I think Mushrooms default is jungle, Void Walker is an adc and rocket grab is toplane or whatever.

Your players won't pick champions that aren't fit for their role no matter how confusing that choice of role might be.
Believe I managed to solve this on my own. The champion pick orders on the strategy screen (which I hadn't looked too heavily into) for whatever reason have some severely poor auto assignments:
Blitz - ADC
GP - Support
Fiddle - ADC

Is there any reason that the preset for this is so severely inaccurate for the individual champions strengths? Again, I don't remember having this issue prior to the reset.
My guess is they did this so people actually change it and do the strategies that way the skill diffrence can be seen between people who actually play and people who just made a team.
There is nothing skillful about ensuring that champions are not assigned to a completely out of place role, nor should it be a meaningful way of creating visible "skill-differences" between players. I can understand having randomness in the overall order of picks/bans, but intentionally having misplaced roles is just unnecessary busywork.
Would appreciate more discussion on the matter whether initial picks and bans should be decent or random - meanwhile leaving it as it is.
I personally just see it as completely needless micro. I can understand if certain picks are more 50/50 in terms of applicable role, and you leave it up to us to determine if the pre-set is fine or if we want to tweak it slightly in that regard, but having things like Blitz set to ad is just silly and unnecessary. Especially if someone see's the first few as being set appropriately, then they may skim on future champions and assume they're also correct. Just feel like it creates more problems, than it provides strategic depth or differences between active and inactive managers.

So to clarify, I'm happy with the general order of picks/bans being left random rather than some sort of hierarchy, but I would like to see the actual role assignment be more consistent initially, with only more 50/50 picks being left up to our interpretation, with the initial selection being one of those two.
I think it shoud be decent