Champion Meta Chart

I understand that the table is left as it is to keep players analyzing the table instead of just picking the best at whatever...however, it is too confusing to the point where it's super annoying. If you compare it to other manager games, it's unnecessary.

First off, they give you all of the numbers, they don't hide the fact that "X is better at Z," but it also stresses that "X is worse at Y." Giving the manager a more clear way to see what is champ is better at "Z" would help them plan better instead of looking for "what green is the brightest/biggest circle."

That's the second complaint I have with the chart. Though the size of the circle is a good idea, the color scheme is actually atrocious. Some of the colors bleed too much together and staring at it too long honestly gives a headache. If you had the colors more defined, it would probably help the chart overall instead of having players currently being like, "well, I guess this green is a little bit brighter than this one? Let's see how big it is compare to the mouse pointer." By having a more defined color scheme will actually have the size of the circles stand out a bit better and you wouldn't have to completely overhaul the whole thing yet. Also, I don't know if people with color blindness have issues with the current chart, so it would be nice to see if you can vet it through some of those folks to see if it works.

I do understand that the whole point of the way it is now is to show that two champions could be close to doing the same thing, but one is slightly better. However, as an overall structure of a chart, it's a mess. A chart should be an image where you can look for a couple seconds and capture an overall idea of the information, but when you delve more into it, you are able to have a more in-depth understanding.

Also, please have an option to either sort the columns or at least put the labeling of the chart as a float so that when you scroll, that part scrolls with you.
I don't think the meta should be public, its something managers have to figure out by themselves, that's how it is IRL and that's how for example cs-manager did it. They never went out with top 5 skills, it was something the community figured out.
But i agree with your input on the chart.
The values are actually with an accuracy of 0 - 100, but I decided to start by revealing as little as possible, because I haven't fully decided how accurate the information should be and wanted to decide it as the game goes on. This is why the data is quite unrevealed because you can go only one way.

Seeing that most people seem to think that sorting should be enabled on the table and now I'm agreeing as well as it would be quite arbitrary for someone to parse in the html and make their own sorter then sorting should be for sure I guess.

So the main points here are:

1. Should the data be sortable?
2. Should data be numeric or represented in a way it is right now or a third way?
3. How accurate the data should be? Right now It rounds 94 to 90 etc. So the accuracy is basically toned down 10 times.

Full transparency would mean all data being numeric values from 0-100.
I think everything should stay as it is.
To be honest, I wouldn't even mind if the transparency would remain around the level it is now, or be even less.

In regular league you also don't really know that "Annie has 24 points more burst than Viktor, but 17 less AoE effect". I think being more vague here is kinda more fun, as it really challenges us players to find the strategies that work for each of us.

I also remember that you wanted to add nerfs/buffs to the game, which is a splendid idea, although I would advise to not have daily buffs/nerfs like you said, but maybe more like every 3rd or 4th day.
Again, here I wouldn't just say that "Pyrogirl now has 75 in MID down from 82", but keeping it vague-ish so we don't immediately know if Card Master is the way to go now.

Something completely unrelated, but is it possible to add a "consistency" factor to players? This could be a coefficient that would determine in every game how well the player performs. And those with a higher consistency factor would have a higher chance of doing well.

A hypothetical scenario:
Player A has a consistency of 15, this could be roughly translated that in 80% of the games he performs at his normal skill level, whereas in 20% of the games he could be as much as 3 points off of that performance (just throwing random stuff out there, this would have to be worked out better of course).
Player B only has a consistency of 8 and would only peform at his level of skill in 50% of the games, and in half of the games he's 1-3 points lower than what it says.

This would add some much needed "variety and luck" to everyday game situations and would reflect the reality quite nicely. Additionally I would assume it would be somewhat easy to implement?

What does everyone else think? :D
what if "consistency" would be something like "stage experience".

Young players (maybe straight out of the youth acadamy) have a low exp value and it can only be achieved via Team ranked and/or League games. The higher the stage experience is, the lower is the variance/higher the consistency of the player. Vice versa, a new/young player with with only a few points in "stage experience" has a higher chance of failing in an important match (i.e. League match).

edit: started a new post, because this post is that related to this discussion
I have actually done a program that sorts the Champions by each stat and has their Overall rating aswell. Spent a couple days doing it because i'm still learning programming in my University, but was working fine.
Right now I'm making it sort of a Companion App, that would eventually help me track my team and players progress, save strategies, notes for other teams and such.

Guess the Champion Sorter will end up being useless, but I had a lot of fun making it :)
I agree with many points, especially the color scheme.

Heck, if you're the kinda person that draws the line of strategy at the point we're at right now, at least change the colors. That's not "making it easier", that's just a QOL-change.
I wish Data could be sorted. T hat would help a ton.

Some vague information on meta would be good.
I think even with sortable columns there would still be plenty to figure out strategywise.