Hiring coaches

How is that possible that people pay so much money for this things? I've noticed that if u want a coach u have to spend quite a big amount of cash. I bid for about 3k, and still someone paid 10 times more, where u have to pay this amount everyday. Now I kinda messed up my situation cause i have to pay 3k per day for one coach, but how is that possible that players have enough money to pay 30k $ each day. In my case I barely get less than 10k, so how these guys are able to gather so much monay?
Its not possible the current economy is a real issue but thats why this is a test cycle.
Don't look for the perfection coaches, Its way easier to grab the ones that you are looking for in an area if you grab the 8's or 9's. Those bets are 2 people, some people accidentally bid too much, and others abuse the economy system, there is currently no downside to going into negative balance of money as of right now, so you can just lose money, but people who abuse this can be reported to the dev's. They said it is against the rules.
You cannot bid ridiculous offers to coaches anymore. You need to have 10 times the money you offer to the coach. For example if you have $40 000 you can offer $4000 max.
Seems it's still working...

PS: I sold one of the coach, cause 3k per day is way too much, and my income was lower then expenses. It's still higher, but with wellfare my negative balance should be fixed in couple of days. After two days I hope to get better sponsors so probably my acc should get fixed.
5000-6000 isn't that much for the more successful teams, since if they won enough early on their team ELO would have skyrocketed and they'd have the best sponsors available.

As said above, the best strategy is to go for the second tier of coaches, the ones with 8-9 in the stat you're looking for. They are almost as good as a 10 but less likely to attract the big spenders.