Randomly Taken off Market

Player had like 10 mins left and was randomly taken off the Market? Any ideas whats up?
Maybe his owner changed his nickname
I am the owner. idk what happened but he was just taken off. was at about 10k for bids too :(
this has happened to me to where players are randomly being taken off market. ill put on market and check back in like an hour see anyone bid an dhes off market. happened 3 times now.
this never happened to me yet but many people have been hit by it..
Maybe it has something to do with the new report system or idk
happened to me as well with an academy player
This is probably because of the anti-cheat system. We will optimise it during next week. Most probably it happened because you tried to sell a player with low stats with an unrealistic price.
I always put my players on at 100. Whatever they get to, they get to. I am not somebody to ruin the system by making new accounts for the sole purpose of giving the money to my main account.
I keep trying to put up a player on the market who is the best adc available for the brief amount of time the offer stays up. I set the starting bid to 9000 (less than what I bought him for at the academy) and every time he gets taken down after about 15 minutes. There is definitely something wrong.
Yes, there seems to be something off. We will look into it tomorrow.
Netstand a jungler with 13 in jungle for 2k was about to be bought for me, about 3min and he got removed :/ he had quiet good stats too