Academy Players Wages

I see teams with players that have, for example 19 in mid lane and 10 tech and only have a wage of 1100 or something like that.
I have a player that has 12 in mid, 5 tech and has a 1700 wage. Why is there such a difference in wages? I also see players with 700 wage that have same stats or better than my players, but have a smaller wage.
Is there any reason for this to happen?
Your comment is totally correct. The wages vary quite alot for similar stats. Though i feel sometimes the wages are low for a reason , bcs only 1 or 2 stats are high and the others are low. There for its reasonable to keep these kinds of players, since they are good only in one specific role and have low cost. you dont need to have a player with all stats max:)
I made a quick calculation.
2 relatively good players for their roles
Mid- 14 and tech 13 and a total amount of 52, wage 587
AD - 15 and tech 5 and a total amount of 74, wage 2134

As you can see the AD has 30% more stat points, but the salary is over 350% higher. doesn't make sence right? True, the second player had a bug, when it showed a wage of 800 in the academy page and after hireing , it turned to 2134...
I think there is a random part on the wage asked by the player when the player is generated. That souldn't be that way but more of a formula with a very small random factor being "the player opinion of himself".
It's the skills in total - which might also consider skills that are currently not active - , but all players also have a hidden attribute called 'greed' as well.

My thought process was that some players are cheaper and some cost more and it would create some challenge for managers in finding cost effective players.
I only learned now that academy players are way better than the first 5 you get...