Star Elo sponsor

should It not be possible to sign better sponsors if you have a star player? currently its to dependent on both. I feel like there should be an option like Team elo 1200 and star ELO 1600 which gives 4,5k gold. just an example. Like if I where to buy doublelift or bjergsen I would probably get a good offer from Logitech. The downside too this tho, is that its kinda random.

Also this should probably be done with reputaion. Like my team is ranked 23 in the entire game. So realisticly alot of people would have heard about my team, but my sponsor deals are weak considering.
The sponsor stuff is so weird right now. My team Elo is 1311 with a Rep of 717, and the LOWEST elo player on my team is 1299, and I still can't get the Toyota sponsor, which requires Team Elo of 1225, 264 Rep and a star elo of 1272. I hit all the requirements with my worst player, let alone my actual "Star" being at 1691...
Do you already own Toyota or something?
The sponsor deals are a bit unbalanced i must agree. For example, my team reputation is over 1400 all ready, and the highest requirement for the best sponsor is 1000 something.
Ether reputation grows too fast or elo rises too slow. Since the game has been out for how long? a bit more than a week and some teams can afford the best sponsors in the game regarding reputation and some star player elos reaching 2500 aswell, which is the highest sponsor requirement, then that is to fast. Considering the time that the game has been out, team elo is about perfect, with top teams around 1400 elo. if a team is to get 100-150 elo per week, would be a nice growth, otherwise in a month there wouldnt be anywhere to grow anymore. So i would recommend to change the player elo and rep increase rate or tweak with sponsor deals so that team elo wouldnt be on the same level.
or add reputation punishments like people suggested :)