Growth Notification Suggestion

Would be convenient to have, maybe in the player reports, a skill increase for any stats that have changed.

this would also help in the PLayer academy (I have been told that invensting daily money into acadamy player training works now)
It looks like the stats that are currently enabled do show up in the daily reports when they are improved by coaches. (Anything other than agg and leader)
Does it show both the previous stat and the new stat?

for instance if my jungle skill goes from 12 to 13, in the player reports it could show

Jungle increased by 1 for X Player.
It would just say "Jun (13)" under that players name signifying that it increased from 12 to 13.
It's under notifications, and it says "<PLAYER> gained <#> in <STAT>".

And, Jaegy, I had two players go up in Leadership yesterday. >>;;