Solo Q bugg?


So one of my player has been playing solo que games, which is not my goal. The player has 0 solo queue games to be played, yet he has played 2 solo queue games. I this normal or what?
I wished that this guy remain with 0 solo queue games, but he is randomly playing them

When did you put it as 0 and what it was before?
I bought the player, it had 0 solo queue games default, did not change it, only added streaming time.
It was 2016-06-27 22:23:02 UTC
Perhaps the previous user had already set the solo q games for your player and the games have already been scheduled with the last daily update. Should be okay from beginning of 29th June. I also changed up the system a little bit right now. If the problem still persists after that then let me know. Setting it solved for now.
Could be, just now it have done 2 more solo queue games.
Thought that when I bought it, solo queue games were set to 0 and it had 1200 elo aswell.
When a contract ends soloq games are automatically set to 0 right now, but if it did have previously more solo queue games in the plan before the daily update then it should have today filled with these games on random times.