What is the point of stats dropping?

My players have had their stats dropped when I hired them from academy and since then they have dropped again. Even though my players are playing in ranked team and also soloQ.

What is the reasoning for stats dropping? I feel like coaches don't improve useful stats enough to warrant this feature.
Player stats drop so that people who put together a team of total powerhouses can't just sit on top with no investment forever. Eventually you have to swap out for newer, fresher talent.

It may still need some tuning of course since it's a feature that's not been very explored yet, but that's the whole point of having a testing period anyway :)
I think the age of the player could be great factor for losing points. As he is older, he lost interest in the game and is not as good as a new talent coming to the scene.
Improve stats gain on younger players and make them lose stats harder as the get older.
I believe the rate of skill decrease is too fast. If you are playing team ranked games and soloq then your skill should at least keep steady and probably even increase slightly. Coaching has been improved recently and so I think skill drop is no longer such a problem. Especially coupled with the nerfed academy players.