Extend coaches contracts

Can you extend coaches contracts? If so, how?
So far there's no way to extend coach contracts if I'm not mistaken
Would certainly be a nice feature to be able to extend coaches
yeah, espicially sinds there are so few coaches available
actually i'd like the option of exending a coach's contract as well. There are rather few coaches right now , and i seriously dislike the coach bidding we have right now.

Today i lost 5 choaches with over 5.5k for each. And i alone was offering around 2-3k on them hoping to get at least 1. Seriously , i wonder who the hell buys coaches with 6k a day. I can afford for example having 2-3 coaches with over 2k a day , but i seriously wonder who can aford and maintain multiple 5-6k coaches , since even i , who have a pretty decent income at the moment , wouldn't trow that kind of money on them.

All in all , i'd love to be able to extend contracts as well
I honestly could maintain a few coaches at 6k, but I wouldn't want to. Good financial management is very important. I hate the bidding system it's just blind luck who to bid on. I really hope the bidding system changes.