New Season Has begun and other updates


New leagues have been generated and everyone should've been promoted to division 6.
For the past season results you can check out the hall of fame. T2S1 means that it's Test 2 Season 1 as Test 1 was before the reset.

We are also testing out how ads work for us now as you probably have noticed already. Later on subscription will hide the text and/or ads, but right now we want to gather data on what can we expect.

Good luck and have fun in the next season!
You should definitely hide ads for subs, no maybe about it. I wouldn't wait long on that either or it's a bit of a kick on the chin for those who have decided to support you early.
You are right about that. Definitely will be removing ads for people who have supported us financially.
Man, that hall of fame is making me sad. I was up there and then lost 50 Elo in a single day. :'(

Is there any way to record "peak" Elo/Rank in a Season in the personal records page? Or, do you think that's too much?
You think you have it bad? I was rank 51 - 1 spot from the hall of fame :(
The most painful defeat is the closest defeat. Feels. Bad. Man.
This season should end my undefeated streak in League games ;)