Suggestions general

So after messing around with the UI for the majority of a day, I really like the game thus far. I think the game could use a little more to spice up the out of match action. Perhaps a social media feed talking about your team and a tab to manage your PR. I understand that your team's public image will come into play with sponsors later in development? I think it would be cool to tie those two into one another. I think it would also be nice to have the UI be a bit more intuitive or perhaps a better guide than "Do this this then this" that will actually explain the navigation of your tabs and what things will do. Just remember, what may seem obvious to you four, could be completely missed by your players. Overall, I like the looks of this and I look forward to seeing where this goes.
Thanks for the positive feedback!

Yes, I have an idea about team reputation.
I want to see you to be able to hire a PR manager, make your players stream to get fans etc.

The social media thing I haven't actually thought about yet, but I believe it's a good idea to incorporate.