Solo games match stats changed!


letting you know that you can now view your player's solo queue games end stats. It only works for games that have done after last deployment (since 1 hour ago).

Here is an example of a solo queue game that has been done under new simulator.


To see your specific player's match history you will need to go under the players, click to show more info and scroll down to get to the match history. From there on click on the game ID to see it.
If anyone's curious as to why a player with good skills seems low elo to you, it might be due to the fact that he's just been unlucky as the the teammates and enemies skill level was very randomized from the beginning, but it should be getting more and more balanced.

If your player is getting consistently good ratings (above 6), he probably will start rising and he actually belongs to a higher elo).
I got a question, does the prioritize pick order on the player's tab only affects soloQ?? because my players keep picking lattern mid, crazy shit like darkangel jungle and bull ADC.

Should I just leave it unselected so my players can win a game in soloQ (?) and in what way does it affect his mastering of the champion when they play competitive league?
if you choose custom priority order (originally it was instalock) under player settings, this means that the player will instalock these champions no matter which position he is going to get and it does affect only solo queue.

The reasoning here is that if you desire your player to get more experience with a certain champion there should be a trade off.

If you want your player to train a specific champion and become good with it, you will have to take some ELO losses.
If you just want SoloQ ELO you should always pick what is beneficial to your team.

This was my thought process when designing it like this and to little bit simulate what real life solo queue used to be as well.
The experience player has with champion currently does not affect Team Games, but only because the simulator doesn't take it into account YET. It will though. And then it will become strategically somewhat important to have your players focus on certain champions in Solo Queue, even if they might lose some ELO this way.