inconsistency in game kda's

in a game where we had 22 kills my jungler had a recorded score of 0/0/0 and 28 cs. to me that means my jungler sat on fountain picking his nose the entire game. I set prefs so my jungler would go tanky 100 so how does that translate when my team wins and gets a bunch of kills but it seems my jungler did nothing all game.
Well why in the world would you sign Moon or Santorin for. Jeezums.
maybe you had him set as passive ?
Have you checke the acutal replay?
Afaik the jungle pathing is kinda bugged sometimes, making them "idle" in the jungle or on a gank.
They are aware of it and fix it soon, hopefully.
my adc idk he seems to int every game he has like 15 in adc 14 top 13 Jgl, he plays adc and every game he finishes like 0-5-0 or 0-8-0 he didnt get even 1 assists in my last 4 games he was supposed to be my best player but he feeds every game but surprisingly i win all my games..