The Academy Project

Introducing The Academy Project

A collaboration between MobaManager's top players

Top players from the top clubs of MobaManager have come together to create The Academy Project. In the The Academy Project, or TAP, we seek three things. We want to educate new players on how to play the game, we want to enfranchise older players who may not be a part of the game’s community, and we want to make it so that everyone can enjoy the game. Educate, Enfranchise and Enjoy. We are a discord only community that anyone can join, no matter what club you’re in or how much you know about this game.

In The Academy Project you will have access to information and advice from top members of all of the top clubs. We can teach you how to manage your staff, how to handle your economy and how to develop strategies in order to be the best.

We host tournaments, with credit prizes, monthly. We also host game nights and a whole host of other community building events, only open to those in The Academy Project.

Finally, the Academy Project can get you membership and opportunities in many of the top clubs of MobaManager. If you are interested in joining one of these clubs, the Academy Project may very well be your ticket in.

If you enjoy this game and want to amplify that experience, join up today. :D

Join our discord server to get involved!

If you have any questions, please ask them in this thread or hop onto our discord. Any of our mentors will be happy to assist you.

Its a nice idea :)
to make it clear, those clubs are not only for youth academy right?
Uhm, I'm not sure if I'm understanding your question correctly.

Anyone is free to apply this club, no matter your standing in this game, knowledge wise. A simple beginner or a veteran can apply.

As a partnership between the 4 clubs, we recognize that there are many players who start the game or are still playing the game who would benefit from advice and guidance from some of the existing players. We also look to integrate players with the social aspect as well.

For those players who join, our ultimate objective is to train them to become strong players in their own right. All 4 clubs will also be looking to recruit players for their clubs from the Academy project, so if you are looking to get advice, join a club or join in with a community then please apply.

aahhh now i understand, thought this was about the youth academy (training young talents for your squad) and about sharing strats of getting the best players from academy investmentwise
with youth academy i mean players-->academy
I'm sorry if this was not clear in the header. This is about the real people who manage the teams of MobaManager. Academy refers to the teaching style that this club intends to adopt. This is unrelated to youth academy, even though we'll be happy to help people with their youth academies.
What about you try to finish the wiki?
My personal reasons for not working on the wiki are unrelated to this project. I found the wiki boring and unrewarding,

Nevertheless I feel "managing" people and trying to teach on a more personal basis is more enjoyable for both the trainer and the trainee. Furthermore a large part of this project is the community engaging aspect, which the wiki did not do.
Awesome idea, let us know if you need any help from us :)

Oh btw I had this idea a few updates ago where I didn't get that many answers. Anyway the idea is pretty much the same as Salvarity is doing here. However I was thinking that maybe we could integrate this into the game and maybe give teams bonuses while doing it. I will post it again on another topic so I would not ruin your topic...
Thank you Netstand, I would absolutely love if this was in some way integrated to the game. I'm not exactly sure how it would be done, but I think one cool feature that we could have is an "invite". Allow clubs that want players to invite certain players, regardless if they are already in clubs or not.

Although that could get spammy for those at the top of elo leaderboards, so maybe a way for individual players to disable invites.
I like the idea. I don't understand how to set my players up. I'm really confused on how to tank because I joined this because of it being a simulation. I love simulation games.

You are always welcome in The Academy Project. :D
I can definetly recommend this project. Getting lots of informations myself. Big shout out to all the mentors :)
Much appreciated sgoil. We are here to improve those who are keen to learn.
Another one to recommend the project. A massive amount of knowledge is available to help bridge the gap between old and new players. Thanks!
A New Season for The Academy Project

As season 7 comes to an end, we must once more look to the future and what season 8 may hold. The Academy Project is no different, and this time we are packing big changes. First and foremost the Charter of TAP, our Modus Operandi, has been changed greatly. The Academy Project will no longer act by and for clubs, we are now an association made by and made for the players of MobaManager and our goals lie in you. We still are grateful for the clubs and mentors that continue to help us and together we will continue to make MobaManager a great community.

This season will also see the first introduction of The TAP Invitational. The Invitational will be an ingame tournament between the Graduates and the current Students of the Academy Project. The rate of occurrence for the tournament has not been decided yet but we expect to see many more Invitationals in the future.

The Academy Project will continue to be the premier place for members of this game to join our community and get a better understanding of this game. I would like to thank all of the mentors and others who have made this possible and I would like to encourage all those who are considering signing up to do so. Details on how to do so are in the first post of this thread.

Hope to see you soon!

I joined it, my first impressions are good! u really should give it a go!
The 1st TAP Invitational has been completed

Congratulations to SGOIL for earning first place!
Taking second was Seriifh and taking third was Solomon.

Congratulations to the winners.

Honourable mentions to
Thanks for hosting! :)
Would be awesome if developers could sponsor a tournament like that , even if it happens once every 3 or 2 months . I am pretty sure this would motivate the community.
TAP is Awesome !!
Yeah, I think we could put credits to prizepool or when the game gets bigger then we could have something like amazon gift cards as well. Although I'm not sure about gift cards as then it might motivate someone to pretend to be 'newbie'.
I'd prefer to avoid having real money (gift cards) as the prizes. That might definitely convince people to pretend.

I'd love if the admins would contribute to the prize pool though. :D

I'm thinking of making the TAP Invitational a monthly event, occurring on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Just to give it a schedule. I'll let you guys know when it comes up.
The 2nd TAP Invitational has concluded. I would like to thank everyone who has participated, this competition wouldn't exist without any of you.

A congratulations to Solomon of team Nobody for taking the first place.

Danyhood of team Danyhoodlems has taken the second position.
Seriifh of team Weeb Trash has taken the third place
Sgoil of team Twisted Fail EU has taken the fourth place.

Honourable mentions to the following players for placing in the top eight.
Dave2323 of team Frostwolf
The MC of team Stank Gaming
Rafa of team Meet Your Milf
Dayos of team Twilight

Thank you all who have participated and stay tuned for the next Academy Project Invitational.
Thanks Rafa and thanks TAP!
GZ Sol! :)
Thanks man!
TAP rocks and gratz Sol
Let me in
Opening Post has been updated to reflect the newest season.

Biggest change of this season is that we are abandoning the in-game clubs. Members of The Academy Project will no longer be tied to in-game clubs, the only requirement is discord membership.