Amount of Players

Acoording to statistics, there are only around 1500 teams atm, so 1500 people playing this game, 2nd accounts not counted. I played the game a while ago and started a week before again, and having much more people playing this game in mind. What happened?
Many players were bots, IA helping the developpers. Those got executed i guess :D

The fact you can add, some players stopped playing too, but not as much as you think, asking the developpers now :p
@shockwave You are correct with the current players amount. The truth is that MobaManager is still in a stage where it is very young and needs a lot of work. It is currently played by a very strong base of early adaptors who really see where this game can develop in future. I am honestly very touched by how good the general feedback and support has been up to this point.

I can tell you this that we taken huge steps towards fulfilling that promise of making this game much more appealing for the general public. For example starting from last week we have had Mikk who joined our development team. This is the first time there is actually a developer who is working full-time on MobaManager, Henri was and is still working only with 60% capacity on it.

Also I recommend checking out Henri's latest update about the features that will be coming in near future: https://www.mobamanager.gg/community/forum/topic/show/2665

There are still few core features that are missing in the game that is needed before we are ready for the larger crowds. That time is not far away! :)