Champion Meta?

I'm aware that there's some form of a meta within the game with champion picks, (ex: haven't seen anyone playing "Mana") however I basically train my ADCs to one trick a specific champion I don't see anyone else playing, feel free to look for it if you're curious, but I'm wondering if anybody else has found success with any off meta picks? You don't need to be specific if you're worried about any secret strats im just curious
everyone plays with supports in jungle atm
Is that actually true? Is there a reason behind it?
Not everyone ;)
Utility Jungle ftw :D
The reasoning is kind of complex, but it's due to the value of utility and the jungelers ability to farm freely with no delay.
Blank uses Mana top btw, I think it's to counter those using armor on their top laner
Discovered Mana in jungle with a troll team full scale. Recently the IA evolved a lot during the game, we see a lot of complex moves from the IA. Before that it was only teamfighting and now it can avoid fights. That makes late comps and early comps both viable depending on the strategy, and utility usefull because people don't do only one fight between 2 recalls.
So they need to be healed => utility is nice.
I saw that a scaling comp has a good chance to win if she is able to tempo a lot by pushing aggressivly while the ennemy is doing nashor or else. So my moto actually is to find a good scale and a good teamfight comp more than everything, add just one support, dunno if 2 supports is worth it.
For the champions, Developpers balanced their power a bit, and i see more and more viable champions. Cool to train a pocket pick, but it's easy to counter in a league game because people can view your player's training and adjust their strategy.
By the way, don't go one trick, so easy to counter, diversify your pool, try to make it different from the opponent so the bans cannot deny all your champs.