Training questions

Hey guys!

I was trying to figure out something and would like some help by players that play this for longer than me.

What is more benefecial for a young player (14years old):
- In the academy, getting him to level up in there (paying for it daily)
-Hiring him into the team and put a specific 10 coach on him?

I really want to start working on off-team, but wanted to make sure i would do it the right way.

Afaik players grow stats faster in academy although champion mastery are only granted outside academy.
So you might wanna keep your youth player in academy until he outskills your current laner. Then keep both for one week while your old player is still in the starting roster and your youth player is spamming soloQ for champ masteries. After that you can replace your old player with the new better one.

Keep in mind that academy is expensive and some players are cheaper on the market