Jungle Meta

HI guys how are you?

Just wanna ask if this meta where support champions (Weather Girl, Starlight Healer) playing in jungle position, will be reviwed in some sort of way by de devs, (kinda like riot trys to do with their 2 week cycle patches to adjust strong metas and so..)
I mean, its cool that the players find a way to create this strong meta, i´ve used it and tried it myself, but its just feels .. i dont know... kinda wrong. I think that just dont makes sense seeing players beeing beaten by a Soraka Jungle u know what i mean xD

Anyway just wanna know your toughts.. have fun everybody, but be careful, u might get engaged by a full utility janna who detonates your whole team :)
We'll really really soon start the nerf/buff cycles :)
have any post about it that u can send me the link so i can understand the concept better?
IDK I kinda like it. It makes it different than LoL. And I miss my bronze days of duo ADC bot lane sometimes.