New Player Manual.

A bit of a manual for some new players. As a fairly new player myself and someone who is quite active in the chatbox, this'll answer some common questions I see in chat.
This will not cover strategies or champion tier lists as I feel Ed has this handled here:
and here:

"How do I play ranked games?"
Ranked games are scheduled at the server update and then played throughout the day. In order to decide how many games you want them to play that day, go to "Players" then in the top right, just above your players energy, there is a drop down box allowing you to adjust it.

"When is the server update?"
The server update is at 16:00UTC, but for non-UTC players, in the very bottom left of the screen right down below the side tabs, there is a countdown to it that is likely more useful.

"How do make my players play solo que and select which champions?"
Solo que games are scheduled at the server update (Like team ranked games) and can be adjusted by going to "Players" then selecting the player you'd like to change. Under "Day Plan" you can choose the number of solo que games and streaming sessions they will do the following day. Just below that is the champion priority picks. You should use this to get your players to learn specific champions. To do so, select which champions using the drop down box. If you want them to always instalock one of those champions, even if in the wrong lane, then tick the box also. This is helpful if you want them to master a champion and do not care about their solo que ELO.

"How do I train my players?"
To train your players you will need a coach. To get a coach go to the tab "Staff" then click "Hire Coaches" you will then see a list of all available coaches along with their stats. pick one that's best for you, and put in a bid for them. When doing so, keep in mind that whatever you pay for the coach will be there wage. If you offer 200k to get a coach, you will have to pay him 200k PER DAY. So only spend within your means. Your best bet is to prioritize staff that have no previous bids (Indicated by highlighting over the small flame icon to the left of their name) if you are able to get on just before the server update to do this, even better.

"I put money into 'Scout' but didn't get anything."
Scouting works on the server update also. When you put money into scouting, the money will not be taken off of you until the server resets. Keep in mind that it takes your last 30 days of investments into account aswell as your average. So if you intend to make use of scouting, it's best to just put the same amount in everyday.

"Is it worth it to get a 17 year old from Academy?"
I asked this one myself. But the answer is no. The player you will get out of it will not be very good for the investment you had to put in.
"when you put that much time and investment into a player, then you are better off ensuring they are perfect. If you cut corners with training or initial investment, you will end up with a sub-standard player for a long time. To put things into perspective, it will take 75 days and $7.5m to make a 35+ stat player. If you are spending this much time and money, go for the best." - Ed

"What's the best way to improve my team early on?"
Early on, you're better off not looking to replace your team too quickly. Your started players aren't terrible, and can be trained instead for much cheaper. Once you've trained your current players and have some decent finances, then you can look into the future development of your team with larger purchases.

"What's the best way to get a higher ELO?"
Aside from reading the various guides like the two I linked at the top, join a club! if you have asked a question in chat before I expect you're already tired of being told to join a club, but they're right. Clubs will help and assist you in picking up the game, getting used to the menus, or perfecting your strategy. If you have Discord, jump into the mobamanager server, someone'll recruit you in no time.

Above all, experiment. The more you try new things, the quicker you'll work out what works and what does not work. So play around with it.

Good luck!
Absolutely love these type of posts that help out and assist the newcomers.
Thank you for taking your time to make this.
Also, everyone should know that if you have any questions whatsoever about the game, just create a post and ask in the forum. We're always here to help!
Thankyou! I noticed there were plenty of guides for tactics and strategy, but brand new players often don't know how to do some of the even more basic things.
One point on the Youth academy post is, when you put that much time and investment into a player, then you are better off ensuring they are perfect. If you cut corners with training or initial investment, you will end up with a sub-standard player for a long time. To put things into perspective, it will take 75 days and $7.5m to make a 35+ stat player. If you are spending this much time and money, go for the best.
Thank you for this. It really is helpful for new players.

Would just like to clarify this point: "How do make my players play solo que and select which champions?"
This daily plan for players does not get activated during the server update. It happens right away. For example, if you get a new player 10 hours before the update and you plan him to do 10 games and 10 streaming sessions, he will do it on that day. Same for ranked games. If you put him on your team, he will play the team ranked games and the league games and spend energy for it.

What you plan for the next day (after update) are the training sessions and the number of ranked games.
@Pandawood? Are you sure on this? So far this doesn't seem to be what I've observed for soloque, I will check again and pay attention and correct this accordingly.
If so, I thankyou very much for pointing this out for others, and for myself.
Yep. Try it out with a player from a scout or something. You get it, make him play games, and he will do it right away. If you wait an hour or so, you will see that he is already playing.

You can also try with your current players. If you check them right now, you will see that they already played some games. If you put them to do 0 games, they will stop immediately.
I get that they play the games throughout the day, but I always thought these were scheduled in the same way as team ranked games.
They play games throughout the day because they were scheduled previously , if you hire a player from scout and his last owner didnt scheduled any soloq games , he will simply do nothing
The number of soloq games you set will be for the next "day" (after server update). Streaming sessions are done during the server updates. Champion priority picks can be switched around at any time, it takes effect immediately for all upcoming soloq matches.
@BedwyrAorta So I was correct in thinking the number of solo que games per day is only changed upon server update?

I intend to test next update either way, just to be sure now. Doubts are there.
The reason why some newly purchased players or players hired from scouting play soloq matches immediately after they are obtained is because their previous owners had set them to play soloq matches. Rafael already said this earlier.
Try it out with your own players :) It would take you 2 days to notice the impact on the energy.

For instance. yesterday, I have set my player to do 2 solo q games and 2 streaming sessions. Today, that's exactly what's indicated in the energy info panel.
PandaWood is definitely right. I like it like this though, pls no change.
Really good FAQ!
@Pandawood I am currently testing to confirm, I shall add it after server update when I shall have result :)

@Netstand Thankyou, thankyou. I accept rewards in the form of gold bullion.
That is to bad, because I have only really large silver bullions to give for free :(