At least this will make for a nice, competitive league I guess ..
I really wish I could get a basis other than player wage to figure out what skill level players are. I'm in a similar position though slightly down the ladder Best Team EU is 11 and i'm 12 both in the same division. And hes winning sandbox and I really think its due to player skill and not strategy but I'd love to actually know how much lower i am player wise and decide how much strategy effects this.

Well we were 11 and 12 before the update seems lots of teams have gotten a few more games in pushing us down.
Yeah same case for me.

I lose 95% of my sandbox games vs the #2 guy, really upsets me. His mid is the problem, there is no way I am getting past him (I target ban his both champions and he fucks me up with his 3rd priority)
Whats funny is i didnt have trouble with number 1 or 2 and beat them ( I am 7th atm) what gave me trouble was actually loagic gaming was a high kill game and sadly my sandbox games ended but loagic gamig out of the top 4 teams was the only one who beat me. But i bet some teams will fare better against other teams .

Also my suggestion is since you cant ban out his mid try to ban out another impactful role and just try to stomp that lane to a win.

EDIt: I apologize panthim and playable moved up and i missed it lol. Panthom i beat once and he beat me once and playable i only played once and narrowly won. Looks like the two who occupied before lost. MY APOLOGIES
Good idea timaus, will try that soon. Spent all my sandbox games on trying to figure out a strat
Lol i swear everyteam seems to just suicide themselves once they get those last towers gg indeed crazy game. But i will say cant base it off of once game id say play 5 games and who ever wins more probably has a better team. Still the amount of clown fiestas lately lol

EDIT: etosh id say ban out the adc. Adc doesnt have as many characters as other roles. So more predictable.
Ahhh I don't pay attention to the simulator at all tbh.

Btw nice scrim against me, User :DD
I consistenly win against anyone right now. The only ranked game i lost so far was due to to the bug where a team doesn't respond to a push fast enough.
Yeah i played ypu once loagic and lost but it was one of those games where both our mids had over 50 kills. When I get more sandbox games I play you some more.
Im having success vs the #1 elo team.. we just had this fantastic 313 kill game in sandbox. https://www.lolmanager.gg/games/show/387956

edit: actually just watched the replay and neither team left the base for the last 2 mins...
what the fuck @ game simulator LOL
User, it is simple

The better team won!!
Yeah, I hope we will meach each other at end of season
Some time we will!
Truthfully id say sandbox and ranked is nice but like actual league of legends ranked games you dont know who your facing to prepare. League games you know what side your on and who your playing. Meaning changes of strategy will be fun :)

EDIT: thank you loagic i know mpre about my weak point. Though im not suprised hoping I get something to improve one of hose positions soon gg.
I'm ranked 4th atm but it seems like I loose against most top teams and I just didn't play them in ranked team.

Not too worried about that though, probably just because I didn't bought any player on the market and wasn't really lucky with the academy (max 8 - 10 for 2500$) and I didn't study different strategies in details for now.

Although, I left a player in my academy and he gained 0 stats while he was trained for 500$, is that normal ?
Where can I see the Team Elo Ladder?
Statistics-> Top 100 Teams by ELO
psyman play laogic or paoela i was able to beat everyone but him without resorting to target bans. Target banning might net me in but not doing that atm.
if thats true i really need to get a better adc T.T Ive just accepted my bot lane losing.
if thats true i really need to get a better adc T.T Ive just accepted my bot lane losing.
Are we watching different games?
His bot lost both games, lol
he played me 2 times, first i won second i lost due to the common weird rotation bug. I haven't lost any games due to another reason in a long time.
Oops. Looked at the wrong team :) I just played a game where my bot lane on blue side took an inhib at 14 min so maybe I was still thinking about that.
Nice :D
While I am actually the #2 ranked team right now, I really can't beat the Top 10 teams unfortunately...

I'm still sitting on a poor SUPP and TOP and waiting for my new academy players :D
Hopefully they'll be useful!
Academy players are key!!!
Yesterday at night I was actually ranked #2. I've had quite some luck on ranked games :)
I only have 2 academy players and only one of them has a 10 rating, the other one has 9. So i think I'm doing relatively well taking that into considerantion :)
Just got a player from academy (10k investment) with 15 in jungle and 14 in technical (and 13 leadership but does it do something yet?)

Let's go boys
I also got an upgrade for one of my players and am quite happy. Would like to see some games with them though if possible sandbox games all done here.
Same for me, timaus. I should get some games soonish though, will scrim you for some
Meh, I got a nice upgrade for my Toplane in the end by switching players around, but Support slightly bothers me.

The second player I got out of Academy for 10k only had 10 in MId and 7 as Support as his highest... Not really great :/

In the end I moved my previous Mid (Mid 13, Supp 11) to Support and have the new guy with 10 be midlaner.

Oh well... guess I'll have to reinvest in Academy in a few days again. Hoping to stay within the Top 10 or 20 at least in Elo until then :D
Just upgraded my mid for 18k .. now got someone with 13 in mid instead of 9. It really was my weak link, started stomping and even won a teamranked against the #3 which gives me a nice lead at the top :D
Having a midlaner under 10 in stat is actually a real handicap (My midlaner was 9 i know what i'm talking about :p) like even if my botlane went 18/5 and top 10/0 he'll be in 2/7 and throw the game himself. :'(
Yep, mid seems to be the biggest handicap by far. Was my largest feeder for an exceedingly long time.
Glad I was able to upgrade my mid and last night also my top laner. Will adjust my strategy later tonight once I find the time
For some reason I seem to be doing quite well again, despite not making big changes :D

My support is still less than stellar, but my finances don't really allow picking up a better player at this point.

But hoping to continue to stay within the Top 10 in ELO.

What would be really nice is if we all show screenshots of our respective strategies at the end of the testing phase or before there is a major change to how the strategy works (so that nobody would reveal hidden OP strats).

I'm just really curious to see what others are doing and where similiarities or disparities are :)
Kinda difficult not to reveal anything. There's a lot of nice little elements that would help others a lot.
They are working on updates anyway. Lets see how big they are and decide then.
When there is no value left for strats, you can just share them anyway.
Yea, also once champion buffs and nerfs are introduced, picks & bans will change, and I'm sure that in like 2 weeks time or so there'll be changes to the strategy section that will make anything that we do now sort of obsolete.

For the most part I would assume that all the high Elo teams are using similar strats in terms of points distribution and player behavior, as well as a similar approach to picks & bans.
Hey look it happened again with me and Rammus :) He's negative 62k though so it probably won't last long.
Also Veni Vidi Vici figured out the coolest strat but it only worked on GS1. I think only a few players ever picked up on it.
I'm currious now, what is it?
With certain teamfight setups you could have 2 players survive every time while still insta killing all 5 of their team.