
So it's been a while since i wanted to wrote my thought about it but i was too lazy to do it -,-

So every game i see my jungler 1/2/1 or 0/5/0, like low stats even when i stomp he's pretty much useless and the game seems to be like a 4v4.
Even if there is exceptions like 14/0 scarecrow etc ... Do you think that they need/deserve to be changed or something ? I would like to have your thought community and devs about this !
have you tried to change ur strategy concerning ur jungler. try putting them on mostly damage and tf positioning in the backline. i cant test it because my jungler is really the worst one on my team with considerably worse stats. in addition maybe junglers arent ment to carry or anything. perhaps they have a utility role and even if they gank, they priorityze giving kills to laners. Odd fact is that supports tend to have much higher kill scores than junglers.
As a jungle main we really are just glorified supports :)

I couldn't agree more; Sightstone Jungler life is best life. :')
Just give me a sightstone and a sweeper and I'm happy :)
Main ADC here...wish i could be just as useful atm. Either you play the champs that get broken by Item Buffs (Lucian/MF lately) or you play AA-Carries and wait for your 2.5 items.
I've messed with a lot of the strategy things, and nothing changes usually. Be it farm, hug turret, kill, and the jungler settings-- nothing really changes. All that seems to matter is how high of stats your players have.
I guess we'll find out when the cheater starts playing strategic masterminds like Invic.