I kinda want the reset to happen now.

Seeing people with -300k but players with 25 as stats and such makes those that are sitting and trying to progress with out doing so seem a lil underwhelming. Kind want the reset so I can see people use there regular players and watch as people try to progress there players slowly instead of instantly get good players.
Remember that this is a test phase, these accounts will be reset eventually, just ignore the people who did that and focus on learning what works best for the next reset.

If it makes you feel better, the situation seems like it would be easy to fix if the academy would just check to make sure you have the cash to spend before giving you the player, rather than just when you save the settings.

I doubt that this will be possible for much longer
Or like my idea you cant sign any ya player until they are 17 or 18
How does that stop someone from just sitting massively in debt recruiting more and more academy players with no regards to their income?
It is not about stopping them but more likely that they get no real reward/experience from doing so. They won't have any real game plan when it releases since your strategy isn't working anymore.
You choose how many academy player u want to have, 1 - 5 no initial cost, and then how much you would invest per day, the more players you have, less training they get.
Henri will add a fix to this soon - basically if you don't have enough money anymore it will cancel your academy settings. And if you have negative income, it will start firing your players randomly till it reaches a positive balance.
That's harsh ! but understandable. Maybe a reputation loss too ?
Wouldnt it be better to simply make a system, that looks at your predicted income, And then it makes it so you cant spend above that, so baicly if you earn 10k have player saleries for 5k, you have a 5k budget and when you go to hire coaches you can offer them more than 5k, so you cant go into minus.
It actually also fixes the issue with people offering insane amounts of money for coaches. So even if you have 100k in the bank, but still only have a predicted income of +5k you can spend more than the money you get after paying all your expensis