20 coaches, 1 player

Wanted to test out the effects of coaches training a no energy player and how much effect it'll have on their growth. So I'm kinda abandoning my main teams training for a bit, 1 per player, but the rest is on FT Stream 1. Statline is currently
AD CARRY: 9.8 | TOP LANE: 12.1 | MID LANE: 9.3 | SUPPORT: 4 | JUNGLE:8.3 | TECHNICAL: 8.8. I'll update with the increases each day. Gonna be trying to get as many new coaches per day as possible.
Maybe try it on the test server :D So you dont have to abandon your main team.
Id need to hoard more coaches for that, I already have the staff set up here and it's a test anyhow. Should be fun to see
New Statline: AD 20.35 TOP 22.79 MID 19.51 SUPP 13.6 JUNG 20.63 TECH 21.32. Over 10 increase in all but 1 stat, hasnt hit 0 energy yet but will see how much it damages stat gains next day. Now at 22 coaches.
I have the research done already, up to 11 for 1 day. It's not a 0 energy research because my training increases decreased as my player energy decreased. About 3 weeks of research with stat formula's and stuff.

I was hoping to use this research to gain a tactical advantage in the next game, but the use of coaches is significantly different on the new server.
Test server you'd have to upgrade your player house a lot which I'm lazy.. I also wanna create a monster and put him on the market for 1000, see how high the bids go. Also to see if anything weird happens when you have this many coaches on one player.

A:27.5 T:30.13 M:26.31 S:19.94 J:28.4 Tech:29.02 Strangely FT Guinea Pig hasn't lost energy today despite having 220 coaching sessions and 10 streaming sessions? Might be bugged.
That's a define bug, unless there is a delay in the energy used.

Btw my monster player is 71 / 50 atm, expecting about +7 or more on my stats tonight.
Still no change in energy today. I wonder if it's if you spend over 100 energy in a day or something? I might try putting everything on another player and 10 stream/10 soloq for max energy expenditure and see if they stay at 100 energy. Here's their page. Gonna pop a thread in bug reports. https://gyazo.com/4164bcf3be9bc4f84f4ea1bb9b476897
That is wired how your energy is not depleting, however you are definitely getting diminishing returns from your coaches. I have been resting my star player in cycles trying to try and get the best training routine without wasting my coaching stats.
Yep, it went down from 10+ per day to 7+ per day for the loss of energy. I'm going to try shifting everything to another player so their energy usage is above 100 per day and see if they lose any. Also with 1 coach on my other players they get around 2 each on their stat so a lot of coaches on one player probably isnt a flat training bonus per coach. I'm a bit medicated right now so don't know what words I'm looking for.
Yea I dropped loads of coaches on 1 player a few days ago and noticed some diminishing returns, I want my staff at maximum efficiency, waste of money other wise. Energy definitely has an effect on training.
So! FT Experiment got their training today, and their energy loss was strange as well. They didnt get taken down to 0 like expected, and they didnt stay at 100 like I expected the bug to work, instead they've gone down to the exact same energy level as the other one that just got taken off the heavy training (31.2). this is weird.
You must have 31.2 energy regen.
It must work like this, your player get's dropped down to 0, training effects apply then your player regains 31.2 energy from facilities. You are effectively training your player at 0 energy.